Table of Contents
Acknowledgements 7
Foreword 8
Preface 10
Introduction 16
Chapter 1 21
The origin of Acupuncture, the mechanism of Acupuncture and Chi 21
De-chi and the depth of the needle insertion 30
The size of acupuncture points 30
New model of acupuncture healing through tissue regeneration 32
Chapter 2 34
The Lung Meridian 34
Source (Yuan) Point 40
Case Study 1 50
Case Study 52
Large Intestine Meridian 54
Case Study 3 57
The Stomach Meridian 59
Case study 4 61
The Spleen Meridian 63
Case Study 5 68
The Heart Meridian 70
The Heart Meridian and the Near Death Experience (NDE) 73
Tibetan Near Death Experience Healing Method 77
Case Study 6 84
The Small Intestine Meridian 86
Case Study 7 90
The Urinary Bladder Meridian 93
Kundalini and Kriyas 99
Case Study 8 102
The Kidney Meridian 104
The Kidney and Astral Projection 105
Case Study 9 113
The Pericardium Meridian 115
The duration of the acupuncture treatment effect 119
Universal homeopathic remedies 120
The Triple Warmer Meridian 121
Treating which meridian first? 124
Case Study 10 128
The Gall Bladder Meridian 130
Case Study 11 133
Choosing which side of the body to treat? 135
The Liver Meridian 136
The Four Gates 137
Case Study 12 142
Chapter 3 144
Egyptian Esoteric Acupuncture Treatment Manual 144
Preparation 144
Egyptian Esoteric Acupuncture Basic Protocol 145
Chapter 4 148
The Eight Extraordinary Meridians 148
The Du Meridian 158
Ren Meridian 164
Human Conception Process 168
The Chong Meridian 173
The Yin Wei Meridian 182
The Yang Wei Meridian 191
The Dai Mai 195
The Yin Qiao Meridian 199
The Yang Qiao Meridian 204
Pairing the Eight Extraordinary meridians 206
Chapter 5 208
Sacred Geometry Acupuncture 208
The Posterior Heart Bindu Pattern 222
The Anterior Heart Bindu Pattern 224
The Coccyx Bindu Pattern 226
The Third Eye Bindu Pattern 227
The Crown Chakra Pattern 228
Spiral Yin and Yang Balance Pattern 229
Hara Spiral Yin and Yang Balance Pattern 231
The Benefit of Sacred Geometry Acupuncture 232
Transformation of Emotions through an Evolutionary Pathway 237
Solar Plexus Chakra Golden Spiral Pattern 249
The Kalachakra Mandala Pattern 250
Alchemy and Egyptian Esoteric Acupuncture 262