The general practice of acupuncture in geometrical patterns, eventually and gradually awakens the individual's own capacity for tissue regeneration beyond the benefit of acupuncture stimulation. It is a system of re-educating the body to its own capacity of maximum well-being. It is integrating all the energy systems in the way that they were originally intended to function.
As you have learned from Dr. Robert Becker’s work, during the transition from childhood to adulthood, the body is flooded with the hormones that lead to sexual awareness or sexual proclivity. Originally the body takes all the regenerative energy associated with sexuality and puts it into the well-being of the child, which is why they have higher immune systems. For the purposes of procreation, which is how humanity continues to survive as a species, the body becomes flooded with the hormones that eventually lead to the capacity of sexual and gender-based procreation, and the energy normally goes into sustaining the immune system and tissue regeneration. When you were in the adolescent anatomical state, that was the way of the body preserving the well-being until the individual would reach sexual maturity then could contribute to the survival of humanity through procreation.
In ancient times the people used to be androgynous, they contained both genders. It is known that as the fetal tissues develop, there is eventually a hormone that is released that determines gender. In ancient times, these developing fetal tissues did not have the hormonal trigger that divides genders. Neither did they necessarily have both genders. They were androgynous, meaning that they did not distinguish themselves by gender. So, when such an androgen would come of age into the individual adulthood, they were not triggered by an identity based on sexual gender, male and female, they were just fully human. That meant that all the energy that normally would go into procreation went into continuity of tissue regeneration.
The tissue generating capacity that young people have, Dr. Becker noted, if you carry that into adulthood, you would have lifespans of close to 200 years. That is why there are some monks, when you look at them, you can't really tell whether they are male or female. They often practice a type of celibacy where they channel all their tantric energies into longevity. That is why they considered the disassociation of tantric or sexual energies as channeling to the longevity of a century or even longer, rather than current lifespans of 80-90 years. They never lost their tissue regeneration capacities.
What your treatment is doing using sacred geometry, is taking the most efficient use of geometrical measurement that is consistent throughout nature. You do it by placing the needles proportionately and gradually at the area of the three Bindus, which is the Star of David, the six-pointed star treatment. This stimulates the proper flow of energy through the central Sushumna. You might picture that there is a well in the middle of a dry desert, a central well that connects to an aquifer of unlimited water and then you have three pumps that are bringing that water to the surface. But then, you would have various canals that go into the landscape. Then the flow of water through those three regulators could properly channel the water into the various canals for restoring the agricultural and the natural landscape.
This is a metaphor, you would find that rivers if you look at them on a map, with their various tributaries, there is a striking resemblance to the circulatory system or the nervous system, because they are based on the same geometrical unit of efficiency of energy. By stimulating the body in the efficient use of energy, it is reawakening the latent meridian lines of the body to gradually come into awareness of a natural state of tissue regeneration. It's like a memory. If you misplaced something, you just keep running the visual pattern of where you may have placed the object until the memory returns by stimulating the proper neurological tissues.
Because of the shock of moving from a natural state of innocence as a child to the sudden awakening of an entirely new identity based in sexuality, the body has new demands in how the energy is to be channeled and how identity is to evolve and develop for the purpose of procreation. In a way, the body’s old identity is being taken in the direction of a positive one, because it's stored in the altruistic part of the identity of a person to put the energies towards the well-being of others that they would bring into existence through birth of children and family. Now, here's the key, the body doesn't lose its capacity for longevity. Because the body is with the celebration of children, the celebration of family, it does unleash new energies of joy, even in the act of procreation. Only when there is misalignment of identity into the purpose of tantric energy is the energy not being used with the greatest efficiency.
So, you might say the sacred geometry, the geometry of energy is synonymous with reawakening a person to the potential or the purpose of energy. The energy is neither created nor destroyed but eternal. A person can gain longevity, their natural heritage. The chi geometry enhances a person's capacity for longer life and the elimination of disease, because the new tissue is awakened to the awareness of the inefficient use of energy. For instance, the dysfunctional cell that you call cancer leeches energy from other parts of the body and uses it inefficiently. And that inefficiency and inability to process energy properly can lead to its demise. The introduction of vitamin C for instance, puts so much energy into the body that only the healthy tissues can process that nutrient, whereas the dysfunctional cells cannot process it and it produces a form of hydrogen peroxide that leads to the demise of the cell because they cannot eliminate it efficiently in the cell metabolism.
What acupuncture does, it helps restore the body to recognize the inefficient cells and to begin to eliminate them and reawaken the latent cells to their own capacity of tissue regeneration. The benefit of progressing through the geometry as we are clarifying at this time, is beyond normal acupuncture treatment. The body will continue to build its awareness and restore the efficient use of metabolic and chi energy throughout the entire anatomy. This method coordinates an entire anatomy healing rather than an isolated treatment of a properly diagnosed affliction within the anatomy. Do you understand?
Yes, now I understand why this is such a powerful healing beyond any TCM model of acupuncture methodologies that have been developing for the last 2300 years.
Isn’t that fascinating?
Yes it is very fascinating. When do I use the Star of David Bindu pattern and when do I use the spiral Yin Yang balance pattern?
If you use the Bindu pattern, that begins to help stimulate the three pumps from the bottom of the well, then the spiral pattern guides the energy to the proper channels for the restoration of the whole garden of the body. The Triple Warmer treatment model is unique in and of itself that you have noticed consistently. When you do the Bindu patterns culminating in the Third Eye flooding the body with the Triple Warmer that will return them to the altered state to receive the benefit of the Bindu treatment. When you do the spiral pattern, that is the final stage of alerting the body for the capacities of longevity.
Once the energy of the individual is awakened with various treatments that we have described, it can be refined to the individual's personality by geometry, unique to each chakra along the central Sushumna. With the awakening of the Kundalini flow in the manner we have described, you might be able to use combinations of certain geometry to guide the energy to dissolve elements of the ego so that the deeper personhood might emerge more consciously. For instance, adults build many habits, they build many layers of ego or energy. Their emotional body is being used with less efficiency than it is supposed to, or the astral body might vibrate at a rate that makes it difficult to recall dimensions of other lives that may contribute to a healthier identity. You might call it a form of spiritual psychology, managing the energy through the chakras. We will look at the individual geometric patterns, describe the emotional state and how they go through the evolutionary pathway, and how they are regulated by the Bindu geometry. It is what I would call Realization Geometry. By removing the ego hindrance, an awareness flows into the individual. This is the Geometry of Realization.