Please discuss the Heart meridian.
We Egyptians always considered the heart to be the seat of intelligence. And in fact, it is the same as the image of a human heart being weighed on a scale of truth against a feather that is held by the goddess Maat (Mayet). The feather represents the universal truth by which a person’s name is written in the book of life.
Credit: FinnBjo~commons wiki
Those are all symbols or poetic ways of describing what occurs with this particular meridian. And much of the traditional description you were given in TCM is good as a diagnostic model. What occurs with this meridian in its full potential is what I would like to initially address and then weigh against the traditional perspective. When we Egyptians show the idea of the spirit or the soul, we often render it as a small bird with a human head. And it is sometimes shown as being centered in the heart or even projecting from the heart. This is symbolic of the transference of knowledge about what is called astral projection. Have you heard this term before?
Yes, I have.
The relationship with the heart to the kidneys and the adrenals is that the kidneys are the center of the phenomena of astral projection, because the flow of adrenaline, which may quicken and slow the heart, regulates the soul integration and the energy integration into the body. This will be what they think is esoteric, but it has preceded in your observable sciences as a state of consciousness critical to tissue regeneration, so I'm going to try to anchor the esoteric in what is accepted in the observations of the Western medical sciences.
You have made yourself aware of the words of the tissue regeneration model of Dr. Dean Ornish. He has specialized in tissue regeneration of the heart. His methodologies of diet, meditation, biofeedback, stress reduction, yoga, and acupuncture, have all become accepted as standard models for treatment of heart diseases, particularly the blocking of the arteries with plaque. He also has a nutritional model. His most controversial observation is that persons who took an aggressive, or what you would call Yang approach, to the benefit of his method, for example, were going to achieve it like an athlete would–with an aggressive approach or even an angry approach that seemed to delay or did not receive the full benefits of tissue regeneration. But those who went into an emotional or a spiritual epiphany and a sense of oneness, observed their journey as a total healing of self and the repair of the tissues of the heart. They were the ones who began to observe tissue regeneration occurring.
So this validates the idea that the healing forces of the Heart meridian lie in the circulation of the red corpuscles, the white blood cells, the nutrients, and the minerals. Dr. Ornish had a nutritional strategy for the delivery of herbs, minerals, and nutrients. The stimulation of this meridian helps with those traditional benefits. But it is really the stimulation of this meridian which is the transformative agency of merging the mind and the spirit. It can lead the person to the realization that the mind and spirit are the same substance.
The Heart meridian is where the intellect becomes spiritualized, and the sense of oneness allows tissue regeneration to occur not only in the heart but throughout the rest of the anatomy on a universal basis. And furthermore, it is a key to the model of advanced meridian healing whereby persons will experience the out-of-body state carefully regulated by monitoring the links of this meridians, stimulations of the kidney, and adrenal influences, moderating those influences so that there is a steady even rhythm to the heart rate that is associated to the maximum benefits for the state of the out-of-body episode.
It has been observed that when a person is filled with white light (during an out-of-body experience), they are being flooded with chi phenomena, or the synchronizing of energies that you might call quantum. The words chi, energy and quantum are interchangeable. It is the total alignment of energy chemistry in the quantum molecular phenomena all the way down to not only the molecular structure, but also down to the quantum level to the very stimulation of the molecular energetic structure that is associated with, so called the Higgs Boson. But even further, there is now emerging what is called the Fifth force that is creating a continuity of an energy signature. It is this Fifth force that constitutes the vibration of chi itself. You understand the concept of gravity and you understand positive and negative charges of an electron. There is the strong and the weak force on the level of what holds the atom together. And, there is a newly emerging Fifth force. It is an energy signature emerging from the finest particles such as the Higgs boson. They have discovered a new energy signature coming from the so-called God Particle. That energy signature of the Fifth force is a vibration of chi itself. Then it projects upwards and is guided through the individual meridians and creates a reversal of entropy on the molecular, the chemical and the signature level–it is the cell level.
The Heart Meridian and the Near Death Experience (NDE)
You know the concept of white light and the concept of the Near Death Experience (NDE) where a person travels in a tunnel of light to experience oneness. What that white light is, is a signature of a chi or the 5th force flooding the entire neuro-meridian system and awakening into the memory of a person's origin as energy or spirit. It is remembering your original identity. Ultimately, they experience oneness with all time and space and it becomes pure light where it merges with the original memory. In light of that type of experience of oneness, the whole cell structure awakens to its fullest potential, and the chemical signatures of the cell division are organized in their maximum molecular potential. This can be maintained as long as there is a continuity of healthy diet and the healthy substances. The nutrition is best if it is vegan in nature, because with this stimulation of the heart meridian, it is possible that many latent functions in the body could begin to occur.
For instance, the ileocecal valve (I call it idealcecal valve on purpose) was originally within portions of the lower intestinal tract and the large intestinal tract. It is a valve regulated when there was a buildup of probiotics, which in turn synthesize B12 allowing for the humans to have the complete vegan diet, because they could synthesize B12. To a certain degree, this still occurs, but it is in an atrophied state that the valve is not triggered in the regulation of such probiotics to return to its original function. The stimulation of the Heart meridian can help with both the better assimilation of B12 and the tissue regeneration of neural tissue, but also begin to help restore the latent ability of humans to synthesize B12 from probiotics. In general, the intention is to restore the lost evolutionary abilities of human beings. The stimulation of this meridian helps with the development of probiotics to the degree that the person's mind and body can function ideally.
You have explained the functions of the Large Intestine meridian in terms of probiotic chamber and B12 production. Now, are you saying that the Heart meridian has the same function?
It could be both but I am pointing out that really the heart meridian can restore these latent capacities. I would link the description I have given as much to the Heart meridian rather than the properties being completely isolated to the function of the intestinal tract. You might say, the Heart meridian working in conjunction with the Triple Warmer would flood the body with a maximum amount of self-regulation of chi as the universal healer. The balance of consciousness is crucial to the healing of the individual. An individual with an overwhelmingly toxic personality will hinder the healing process until the Triple Warmer is stimulated to bring all the body's healing resources and then the Heart meridian is treated to flood the body with chi and awareness of original memory merging mind-body-spirit. In such a way, it can actually bring out the full spiritual potential of the person's personality.
This is why often people who may have toxic personalities, angry personalities and narcissistic personalities when they experience a Near Death Experience and they return to consciousness, their souls are renewed to the original identity. The key here is that those states can be achieved through the stimulation of the meridians in the manner that we are describing.
I have always been fascinated by NDE stories. Are you telling me that those states can be achieved through this new model of acupuncture without having to die? It is hard to believe it is possible.
Here is the key; the term Near Death Experience (NDE) is modified to mean the term Near Enlightenment Experience (NEE). When you explore deeply the functions of the meridians and trace them back to their original sources, you will discover the origins of the meridians are older than we thought. For instance, we explained that Otzi the Iceman was thousands of years before the original claims of Traditional Chinese Medicine and we would point out that meridian treatments and chakras can, at a minimum, be traced back to Otzi and certainly to the Indus Valley culture. If you have access to the internet, search Indus Valley Culture.
I found an image with a human sitting in the center and some animals.
Photo Erja Lahdenperä, courtesy National Museum of India
This is a pictorial image of the Yin Yang symbol. The tiger is Yang, the ox is Yin, it is a domestic animal for farming. The rhinoceros is unbridled energy, or powerful armor energy and is Yang, whereas the elephant is as powerful as it is, it is a domestic animal, as you can see the saddle for riding, therefore it is Yin. The meditating figure has energy symbols from the tiger to the ox, to the rhinoceros to the elephant, and it forms a circle of Yin and Yang energy circling the meditating figure. And below the figure, there's a series of other animals that would also have represented Yin and Yang on the stool they are sitting on. So, they are drawing energies up from the earth and they are drawing energies in their own energetic field around them. The horns represent the balance of energy. Overall, it is an image of a seeker in a state of meditation with the life-force energies flowing around them, symbolized by the animal images.
These are the keys to show you how the ancient principles of Yin and Yang and the flow of the meridian energies are, and the knowledge of Kundalini and chakras emerged from the Indus Valley. In other words, what were considered to be the Vedic texts, from there it traveled to Tibet, then to China, and then finally to Korea and Japan as an example.
Tibetan Near Death Experience Healing Method
The Tibetans have tied this together with a previous conversation about the Near Enlightenment Experience in the stimulation of the Heart meridian. And the healing benefits it brings in the state of mind or consciousness, according to Dr. Dean Ornish, is critical to the triggering of tissue regeneration by his medical observation. The person who experiences oneness or epiphany is when the tissue regeneration benefits are triggered and reach their maximum potential. The Tibetans had a model of healing where they would treat the meridians but they had the expectation of the person consciously lifting from the body and then the healing occurring in this state of, what you call, solar astral projection. And then, once the energy was flowing, and the energy body has been released temporarily from the physical body, it could reclaim original memory, it would then return to the body as an astral projection or a Near Death Experience (NDE) or now called the Near Enlightenment Experience (NEE). They would then have the oneness and all of the reorganized energy benefits from being in that state of consciousness transferred through the meridians to the end of living tissues. It was a way of flooding the entire anatomy with the healing energies of chi. It was as much to the Tibetans as an initiation into enlightenment, which then sustained the individuals in the healing process.
These are the benefits of the Heart meridian. I want you to make them sensible or make them arguable in the following way. Please look into the work of Dr. Dean Ornish and his concept of an emotional epiphany triggering the person having all the benefits of tissue regeneration of the heart. Remember the model that the Tibetans worked on with meridian healing, but in their advanced art, they could trigger what science calls flow or a Near Death Experience, which we now refer to as the Near Enlightenment Experience. That is a flood of original memories of a person's oneness with the whole. The flood of energy from the 5th force is experienced as a memory, or as an energy wave called chi from the quantum level manifesting into the molecular and chemical signatures of the body's physiology. And then, stimulation of other meridians through your assessment process guides those energies to where the healing might be needed. Even though tissue regeneration is triggered throughout the entire anatomy, there's still wisdom in guiding the energy through the diagnostic model.
The Heart meridian has only nine acupuncture points and their names imply “Shen” or “spirit”, such as Highest Spring (HT 1, Ji Quan), Green Spirit (HT 2, Qing Ling), Spirit Path (HT 4, Ling Dao), Spirit Gate (HT 7, Shen Men). Can you elaborate on this please?
Each of these points’ names describes poetically what I have spoken of. You have a Spirit Path, you have a source of spiritual energy in the form of Spring, big or small. These are poetically describing the process by which the soul enters into the energetic state associated with transcending the body or transcending the Small Mansion (HT 8), of which the body is the small mansion. But it is called the Greater Fire (Imperial Fire) because if you recall the symbol for chi, the Chinese symbol for chi is like a fire warming a part of the rice that is steaming.
This symbol often has a corollary that the fire or place where food is prepared is considered as the center or the heart of the household where the fire is the greatest and is used to provide nutrition for those in the household. When the energy in the anatomy projects beyond the body and it maximizes the flow of energy, then it returns to the body, that is when there is the intense white light or illumination episode, and that is when the fire is the most intense (Imperial Fire). You might say, each one of these points is regulating the stage of the Tibetan healing paradigm of the Near Enlightenment Experience model of healing. It is the energy awakening of cellular memory for tissue regeneration by the guidance of the chi as we have described it. You're bringing the fire of the universe into the Small Mansion (HT 8), or into the body, by emerging mind, body and spirit.
There is a correlation between the observation of the Tibetan esoteric, and the observation made by Dr. Ornish with the emotional epiphany and the observation of the Near Death Experience, which now you don't have to be afraid of, because you know it is a Near Enlightenment Experience or Near Divine Experience.
Can you explain the esoteric functions of the source point HT 7 (Shen Men), the most commonly used point among the Heart meridian points and HT 8 (Shao Fu), the Fire element point of the Fire meridian?
Shao Fu (HT 8) is the Fire elemental point. Poetically, this describes the entire journey. Here is what is being treated. In many meridian healers or energy healers, what they feel is occurring is that the soul is still in a state of this incarnation, in other words, the energy anatomy is not fully integrated or fully flowing or centered in the tissues of the current incarnation. They are not in complete alignment of the subtle anatomy with the physical tissues of the body.
The source point (HT 7) is the “Spirit Gate” (Shen Men), which describes the portal into the tunnel of light. And the completion of the journey to the element point is the “Small Mansion” (HT 8), which is a poetic reference to the body. It is the house of the Spirit. It is referred to as the “Small Mansion” (Shao Fu) because the greater mansion is referenced to the soul inhabiting the universe itself. So, for healing purposes, you might say that the “Spirit Gate” is stimulated to allow the soul to expand into the astral state, where the energies are self-organizing. Then, when it goes through the journey of the meridian points to arrive at the Small Mansion (HT 8), the energy anatomy is fully integrated into all the singular elements of the meridians and the physical tissues that house the energies. What tissue regeneration is: it is an integration of the soul refocusing in time and space so that it may experience the fullness of its incarnation with greater clarity or enlightenment.
The new paradigm of healing would bring tissue regeneration, resistance to illnesses, maximum synchronization in the current cycles of time, and longevity, not physical immortality. The average lifespan of the current generation is about 85 to 90 years. With treatments based on this energy paradigm, along with good nutrition, balanced energy and meditation would support sustaining energy and clarity. The average lifespan at minimum would be 100, and the expanded lifespan might be 120. In treating the entire anatomy by stimulating both HT 7 and HT 8, this helps a person come into what is called the eternal now. This triggers with continuity, the entire spiritual journey of the gateway to the soul, and then the spirit awakens to its natural energetic oneness by awakening the memory.
The effect would be memories of past lives in which there may be karmic cycles, a possible vision into the future into a new direction. And it gives them the insight to carry out the clarity of enlightenment. In other words, they become integrated beings, no longer pulled in multiple directions. They will become more Dharma based rather than karma based. There would be a flood into the circulatory system of stress reducing substances like melatonin and endorphins. This would lead a person into a heightened state of relaxation, stress reduction, the elimination of anxiety, and better assimilation of nutrients in the abdominal and intestinal regions. The adrenaline levels are balanced. The diabetic conditions, particularly type two diabetes, go into remission and it may help heal the pancreas for the production of the right amount of insulin, then lead to reversal of heart disease and enhance tissue regeneration throughout the entire anatomy especially when the Triple Warmer is engaged. And it is associated with the circulatory function because more nutrients are released and the oxygenation will be increased from the release of anxiety that is stressing the lungs. The circulatory system is the vehicle by which red corpuscles may be delivered to the specialized cells increasing in white blood cells to eliminate inflammations and stem cells for various types of tissue regeneration, possibly guided by the stimulation of other meridian points that may have been part of the diagnosis.
If you stimulate a meridian point based on your diagnosis, it stimulates the electromagnetic energy field that runs over those tissues. For instance, the heart generates a continuous magnetic field that is measurable and accountable for contributing to its steady beating when that field of energy is stimulated through the meridian. The stem cells travel to the location, and the increase in the flow of the energy in the body's electromagnetic field activates the DNA of the stem cells. And the energy pattern guides the stem cells into the specific cell structure, such as the sinus node, dealing with the rhythm of the heart, the muscular or the valve tissues.
There is an electrical field that runs through the muscular structures of the heart and the neurological tissues. This is the energy field on a measurable level that would be considered to be a phenomenon of chi in activating or guiding stem cells to the proper point of tissue regeneration. The Traditional Chinese Medicine model is appropriate. It is using symbolism and visual or poetic language to communicate these energetic perspectives.
Would you say that the Heart meridian is another master meridian besides the Triple Warmer?
Yes, it is one of the two master meridians in this universal healing model and it is better to treat left and right-both sides on the master meridians-to lay grounding or complete an electrical current. The secondary meridians can be treated either singular or both sides depending on individual situation. For the person who has a phobia of needles you could use colloidal gold and colloidal silver.